Thank You for having been a client of Hands Of Serenity in the past. I would like to share with you a major update regarding the services offered.
As many of you know I closed my proverbial doors in March 2020 due to the pandemic. I have not returned to in-person services yet. With the sudden abundance of time available to me, I began renewing my services to reflect the new direction I am going with Hands Of Serenity. I am shifting away from mainstream Massage Therapy and focusing on Palliative, Hospice, and End-Of-Life Massage Therapy.
Pediatric Massage Therapy will still be available and I hope to host a Pediatric Massage Workshop again soon. It has always been a pleasure to help teach parents, grandparents, and other caregivers how to bond with and help relax their child(ren) through massage. I have also expanded my Pediatric Services by taking a course offered through MISA-USA. The Massage In Schools Program certification allows me to teach kids how to respectfully and safely give and receive a massage in the classroom to help relieve stress. I look forward to bringing this part of my services to my area. Though originally designed for a school setting, if you are interested in learning it to help your child, I am willing to schedule classes with a family.
More brand new services are also being offered as a Death Doula & Death Educator which include but are not limited to:
Creating the list of wishes you would want respected & followed in the event of a sudden illness or accident
Help with facilitating a conversation with family and/or friends regarding your wishes
Helping facilitate a conversation with the people you would like to pick as your Health Care Agent/Medical Power of Attorney
Still available via online services are Distance Reiki Sessions, Guided Meditations, and Oracle Card Readings.
While my Hospice Massage Services may not be needed by many of you at this time, I encourage you to consider my services either as a Death Doula or in regards to my Pediatric Services.
Again, Thank You for having been a client in the past and I hope to still work with you soon with my new services.
Brightest Blessings to you and yours in these stressful times.
#HandsOfSerenity #RespectMassage #HospiceMassage #EndOfLifeMassage #PediatricMassage #DragonReiki #Reiki #DeathDoula #EndOfLifePlanningAdvocate #DeathEducation #Dying #Death #CircleSpaceDeathDoula #SchoolOfAmericanThanatology #Thanatology #DeathCompanion #DoTheWork #ForEverAfterMinistry #RevChrissi #OrdainedMinister #AngelsGraceHospice #ThresholdChoir #UniversalLifeChurch #BeTheBlessing #BeTheDifference #MISAUSA #MISP #MassageInSchoolsProgram #MassageInSchoolsAssociation